This week we discussed distributed learning. In class, we covered relevant topics such as the pros and cons of online learning and our personal experiences with it. I want to further reflect on my ideas and expand on each one. A term that comes up a lot this semester is zoom fatigue and wow is that real! I feel as though I’m spending my whole day on my computer and in front of a screen. I go from class to class to meeting to video chats with friends – all while never getting up from my desk. It’s great to think about the technology we have and what we can do with it, but it is sometimes hard to feel like I’m still stimulating my brain when I’m blankly staring at my screen. However, everything being at my desk can also be very handy. I can get out of bed in the morning, walk a few steps, and I’m at school! That comes in handy for things like staying in my pyjamas or eating breakfast with no rush.
I also am glad that zoom and breakout rooms allowed me to talk to most if not all of my cohort members. I think this may not have happened in person or the connections wouldn’t be as strong. This connection is important for us to have while we finish the program and when we are able to meet in person it will be very exciting! There are also many physical disadvantages to online learning though such as sore eyes, back pain, less physical activity. Something I know myself and many others feel this semester is when I get out of bed for a zoom lesson, I get back into bed immediately after it’s over. I am very thankful to still have the opportunity to continue learning online under the current circumstances but safe to say I can’t wait for it to be over.