My song is definitely coming along and I am very excited!!
I have been practicing a little extra this week for the upcoming midterm and I am very happy with my progress. It is still not perfect and that worries me, but even just my musical growth is making me very proud. Tonguing feels more natural in my playing now and I have really begun to memorize my song. The movement of my hands and finger positions are also feeling very natural when practicing. It’s interesting to see how my brain does it so instinctively now when playing my song.
One strange thing I am having trouble with though is breathing. I find once I play the song though I am out of breath at the end! I can tell I’m not taking sufficient breaths through the song and am not sure how to balance this out. I believe it is because I am focused on tonguing while playing and the recorder requires your mouth to be on the mouthpiece. This is something I will have to practice more and finding the time to breathe or breathing through my nose quickly?
Anway! I’m very excited about the midterm and how accomplished I will feel. I am also looking forward to seeing my progress in a few days time when I upload the midterm. I know that no matter how I do in my video I will be happy with my progress and I will only improve from here on out!!