This Monday’s lecture was a little bit intimidating as an upcoming teacher but very important nonetheless. I guess I just hadn’t thought about the resource and copyright aspect of all materials used in class, even something as small as a two-minute Youtube video or an image used in a slideshow. Though it was a lot of absorbing at first, I’m glad we went over some OERs such as Unsplash, Wikimedia, and Curriki. I am thankful to be familiarizing myself with these resources now and understanding my rights of use in a classroom before I am actually in a situation of needing to use them.
This lecture we also dove into Most Likely to Succeed. I thought this film was fascinating and I had a lot of contrasting thoughts while watching this. Initially, I was fully on board with the way High Tech High was implementing school work and learning. I myself love the creative aspect in school and always enjoyed passion projects over standardized tests. (Wow do I disagree with standardized tests!) I also loved seeing how the teachers went about conducting these classes and the free reign their students had. As the film went on and we saw the parents come in with their concerns, I began to agree with them and question the way things ran in this high school. I wondered how these kids would do in University if they could even get in and how that adjustment of school styles would affect their grade average and so on. But then, I remembered that the school system had not changed in hundreds of years yet the world we live in today is changing drastically. It’s hard when no other schools are making these curriculum and learning changes with High Tech High but if they didn’t make that first step, who would? As a future teacher, I look forward to seeing how our classroom change and adapt and hope to bring some of the things I saw in Most Likely to Succeed into my class and see what kind of reactions it gets!